english translation chamberlain: «Sir, we're ready »
Loahr: «I'm coming» Jörin: «Don't be so sad... everything is going to be alright. So... they're about to kick me out! See you after the ceremony» Loahr: «No, wait! I have something else to tell you» Jörin: «I don't think they will let me stay anymore. You'll tell me later» Loahr: «No. I need to tell it now. You ought to know I spent the last days reading the memories of kings of the past» Jörin: «And what did you find out?» Loahr: «I've read that every king felt different sensations during the ceremony, but all of them were deeply changed after. I've got no idea about what I will be after, but until I'm still me, I'd like to thank you for everything» Jörin: «Are you saying that...»
ragazzi proprio non ce la faccio più...che due palle ste pagine! e poi io odio ODIO ODIO i fondali...
beh le prossime saranno ancora peggio ç_ç
eccoci qui con la traduzione in inglese! queste due pagine sono assolutamente work in progress e l'immagine è così piccola proprio perchè mi vergogno...
visto che ridere fa bene, voglio farvi notare che il tizio coi capelli neri (di cui nella prima vignetta non ho ancora finito le gambe) nella traduzione l'abbiamo etichettato come "ciambellano", nome assai ridicolo, ma soprattutto
e grazie a fabio per avermi fatto vedere sta chiccheria^^
Brutte notizie: a maggio comincio la specialistica, quindi saranno cazzuli amari. mi ero abituata bene...
se non arriva qualche aiutante dal cielo (ormai può arrivare solo sotto forma di pioggia acida e schifezze simili) sto dannato primo numero uscirà la smana di dui giobia.
comunque, non centra niente ma FOTTUTA TASTIERA ITALIANA. punto.
e soprattutto, con tutti sti nomi pieni di umlaut, virgolette eccetera, dovrò stamparmi una tabella dei codici ascii da incorniciare al muro a fianco della tavola degli integrali e alle trasformazioni di lorentz sopra la scrivania. sì, me le vado a cercare.
page 2 and 3 are really looooong to do... I need help! here's a preview with fake bgs until I'll fix the real ones..
english translation
chamberlain: «Sir, we're ready »
Loahr: «I'm coming» Jörin: «Don't be so sad... everything is going to be alright. So... they're about to kick me out! See you after the ceremony» Loahr: «No, wait! I have something else to tell you» Jörin: «I don't think they will let me stay anymore. You'll tell me later» Loahr: «No. I need to tell it now. You ought to know I spent the last days reading the memories of kings of the past» Jörin: «And what did you find out?» Loahr: «I've read that every king felt different sensations during the ceremony, but all of them were deeply changed after. I've got no idea about what I will be after, but until I'm still me, I'd like to thank you for everything» Jörin: «Are you saying that you're afraid of becoming something else?» Loahr: «I can't exclude it» Jörin: «Ah, er... maybe it won't help you a lot but... ...no matter what will happen, you'll always be my best friend.» Loahr: «I'll never be grateful enough» chamberlain: «... » Jörin: «Yes, yes I'm going. Take it easy, if there is someone who can do it, that someone is you. You've been chosen for this. Hurry up with all the bureaucracy because we're going out to drink... one of these days »
page 2 and 3 coming...
we'll post an english translation too
just a pic from page #6 or so..
don't ask me if she's a priestess, since direan are not religious.. but I need to explain why she's got dark skin.
All direan have fair complexion, and their land has no particular sun exposure to make their skin be that dark. Odd skin colors (from dark brown, to grey and blueish colors) come from self-induced genetic mutations.
Jörin: « ...I have taken her to Reshanea's place and I've told her to stay at least until next week. I will do my best not to leave her alone for too long»
Loahr: «I will never forgive myself for that»
Jörin: «It's not your fault. You can't bear everyone's trouble»
Loahr: «That's why I'm here»